Friday, March 27, 2009

Bracketology Redux

So, an 8:40 tip for a guy with no job leaves a lot of time to twiddle the thumbs during the day. So, I figured I could kill a little time by revisiting my bracketology projections and see how I did.

Teams Picked Correctly = 64
Seeds Picked Exactly = 27
Seeds Picked Within 1 = 57
Seeds Missed by 2 = 5
Seeds Missed by 3 or more = 2

So, as grading goes, I didn't get as many seeds exactly right as any of the major bracketology folks, but I tied The Bracket Project among the major ones for most within one seed at 57. Of the 7 teams that I missed by more than 1, 3 of those were higher seeds than they ended up getting but they lost, giving me a bit of redemption (Boston College, Utah, California). The two teams I missed badly on were Utah State (Me=7, Committee=11) and Boston College (Me=10, Committee=7). My QPI score (see bracketology grading link here for comparison with major bracket people) was 53.

Not the best on the planet, but I didn't do too bad for my first year as an (admitted) dork.

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